Friday, July 29, 2011


When we lived in Glen Ellyn we were part of the greatest small group in the world. I know I've gone on and on about them before. We left Chicago right about the time that everybody started having babies (not because of that....).
Steve and Teri are fantastic. Its almost impossible to tell, as we're sitting there talking to them, that they are a decade younger than we are. They are both so grounded and so intellectual and so interesting and interested.
They also have 3 kids! Wow!
Ava(5), Lucy(3) and Simon (a little over a year).
(they came and visited us for a day, hence their presence in our house)
Steve and Teri both grew up in-and-out of the Philippines where their families were missionaries. They are returning next year to do their own work. (Steve just turned in his doctoral dissertation. I know! At 27! With 3 kids!)
Teri is my kind of girl!
(Remember the baby shower invite I did with her all decked out? I know I've posted it before)
The kids were great. Too bad I didn't get anything but the backs of the girls' heads.

I am in love with Simon. He is the sweetest cutest thing.

In other news, Max is all over the place. He isn't crawling. IN fact, I'm not sure how he makes it across the room but he does when I'm not looking.

And the Wolf is still working on the dance moves.

1 comment:

  1. Your boys have the greatest expressions. I love them.

    love you
